


Within, I am: I am bad.

You understand the evil you are capable of, the part of you that you try to hide from the world.

Without, I am they: I am good.

Society often judges individuals based on their outward appearances. It is curious how society perceives goodness and evil by looks; a person deemed beautiful or handsome by societal standards is less likely to be perceived as evil, while someone considered ugly is more likely to be judged as such.

With me, I am all: I am human.

We are all human, regardless of whether we are considered ugly or fine. It is essential to get to know people before deciding whether to trust them. Never assume someone is incapable of evil.

Within, you know: Be it good or bad.

Only you know what you are truly capable of, whether it is good or bad. Stop pretending to be good when you harbor darkness within. Your true self lies within. Change what is within, and that inner conflict will cease.

What Are You?

© Sage