

My Lovely Daffodils🌺🌺
Daffodils oh !!! my Daffodils🌺🌺
my lovely -- lovely Daffodils🌺🌺
When I wandered lonely as a cloud ☁️☁️
That floats on high o'er vales 🌅and hills🌄.

When all at ones I saw a crowd
a host of golden Daffodils🌺🌺
When I saw then I thought
I should write ✍️✍️ a poem
on my lovely Daffodils 🌺🌺

They are besides the lake
beneath the trees🌲🌲🌴🌴🌳🌳
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze 🌫️🌫️blows they looking as like preety good
The continuous looking as the stars ⭐️⭐️
That shine and twinkle on the milky way .
The stretched in never ending line
along the margin of a bay.

Ten thousand saw I at a glance
tossing their heads in sprightly dance .
Daffodils oh!!! my Daffodils my
preety - preety Daffodils🌺🌺
The waves too appeared to be happy
but , couldn't match the

joy and gaiety of my Daffodils🌺🌺
Whenever I saw my preety Daffodils🌷
I lie in vacant or inpensive mood.
They looked like innumerable

golden shining in the day
Daffodils oh!! my Daffodils 🌷
my lovely lovely Daffodils🌷
when I see you I realized that

a beautiful scene or object is
a source of lasting joy ....
I Can't explain my feelings
I feel very happy when I see you
my lovely Daffodils 🌷🌷
whenever my mind is unoccupied or

I in a thoughtful mood
the memory of the Daffodils uplifts
me and brings me great joy ...
The sight of the dancing Daffodils🌷
filled my heart 💖💖 with immense joy .
Oh my Daffodils 🌷🌷
my lovely lovely Daffodils 🌷🌷🌷

I love Daffodils💖💖💖🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Note ( hey, guys I know it is very common
poem , but this my feelings about Daffodils,hope you like it 🌷🌷🌷)