

In the stillness of the night
In the stillness of the night, a tale untold,
Silence echoes, memories unfold.
Whispers of love, now a muted song,
In the heart's shadows, where dreams belong.

Moonlight weeps on petals of regret,
Love's silhouette, a silhouette to forget.
The silence of the night, a heavy shroud,
Concealing the ache, the sorrow, the cloud.

Lonely stars witness a heart's demise,
Silent tears fall from aching eyes.
Echoes of laughter, now a distant sound,
In the silence of the night, love is drowned.

Promises broken, like fragile glass,
Shattered dreams in the darkness amass.
A love once vibrant, now fades from sight,
In the heart-wrenching silence of the night.

© Alpha Virtuous V