

A Little Risky
don't wanna ruin it
don't wanna make a fool of it
but i know we can be something better than it
come along on this ride with me
don't you dare worry about
how everything could come crashing down
just take a chance
one chance with me
let see how this goes
we could ruin us yes
but we can make us better
going forward changes the friendship
for a better relationship
what if
what if
me and you are meant to be
but we're just to scared to lose what we have
you just gotta make the risk
try with me and let's do this
if it fails then that's that
but at least we would've known
think if we would be together
think if how life would be better
if me and you were together
to afraid to lose everything we have
to afraid to lose us forever
but theres risk
and happiness
and love
good times
and bad
and tears
and everything that we have had
will never go away
but me and you
that chance will fade away
so come on over my way
let's do this the right way
try this out with me
let's more than just f r i e n d s
let's be more than just a friend
© Kyaira Donald