

The Power Of Imagination
In the depths of my mind, there's a world unseen,
A place of wonder, where imagination reigns supreme.

A place where anything is possible,
A place where dreams become plausible.

With just a single thought, I can fly up high,
Or travel to distant lands without even saying goodbye.

In my mind's eye, I can see things anew,
Create my own stories, and make my own truth.

The power of imagination is limitless and vast,
A force that can shape the present and future alike, so vast.

It can change the world, inspire and ignite,
And bring forth ideas that challenge the status quo with all its might.

With imagination, we can dream up a better place,
Where love and hope can fill every space.

So let your imagination soar, let it be free,
For it holds the power to transform and help us all to see.
© Anurag Tiwari