

A person who is especially sensitve to cold weather and temperatures.

Chilled to the bone, a soul who shivers,
In the icy grasp of winter's breath.
A friolero, sensitive to the cold,
Seeking warmth, a refuge from the freeze.

With every gust, a shudder runs deep,
Through veins and bones, a chilling creep.
The frigid air, a constant reminder,
Of the friolero's delicate disposition.

While others embrace the winter's chill,
The friolero longs for warmth and sun.
Layers upon layers, bundled up tight,
Yet still, the cold seeps through the cracks.

In the frosty morn, a hesitant step,
Each footfall a reminder of the cold.
The friolero's world, a frozen landscape,
Where warmth is scarce, and shivers prevail.

But amidst the freeze, a flicker of hope,
A cozy hearth, a comforting embrace.
For the friolero, a sanctuary awaits,
A respite from the cold, a haven of warmth.

In the depths of winter's icy grip,
The friolero finds solace and relief.
For though they may be sensitive to the cold,
Their spirit burns bright, a flame untamed.
© Simrans