

A June Birthday Blessing
On the twentieth day of June's sweet light,
A celebration dawns, and everything's all right.
The sun shines bright, with warm and gentle grace,
As I mark another year, in this sacred place.

The world awakens, fresh and new and bright,
As I arise, to greet this special night.
The sweetness of life, is mine to taste and see,
On this day that's all about me, and my destiny.

The memories of years gone by, come flooding back,
Like a river's flow, that never looks back.
Moments of joy, of laughter and of tears,
All blend together, through all the passing years.

But on this day, I choose to focus on the bright,
The love that's surrounded me, like a shining light.
The faces that have graced my life, with love and care,
The moments we've shared, that I'll always treasure and spare.

So let us raise a glass, and cheer with glee,
For another year, of life's journey, I'm free to be.
Let the cake be cut, and the candles shine bright,
As I blow out the flames, and make a wish tonight.

For life is precious, and every day a gift,
And on this twentieth of June, I'm grateful to lift,
My heart and spirit, to the heavens above,
And thank the universe, for this life that I love.

So here's to another year, of dreams and hopes and cheer,
May it be filled with joy, and banish every fear.
For on this day, I'm reminded, of life's sweet delight,
And I'm grateful for the gift, of this shining light.
© Hawaimperial5