

an encounter
who knows we met in this manner
but as Allah is the best planner

I remembered it was in summer mids
when we first met as naive little kids
from class mates to competitor
became friends to supporter
hand in hand, fooling around
whole day laughing in the play ground
lock horns on trivial issues
get into a fight even for tissues
ready to beat others for eachother
as we are sisters from another mother
we are just like shadows
love bond just overflows
time passes and you left
after that we never met

so many years later....
I received a message out of a blue
and guess what, who knows it's you
talking to you is just same like past
seems distance didn't make our relation vast
as everything never goes so smooth
we met n I realized it's half Truth
I felt disappointed on many things
I witnessed time genuinely has wings

but one thing that is good you are still honest n pure
hoping to be your cure for many years more

© @dr.Z