

A voice unknown
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…

She began to search, tired of waiting, but she wasn't seeing anything.

She searched everywhere she think he could be there but he wasn't, her hopes were scattered right beneath her.

Click, click

She heard a footstep right behind her, she turned and saw no one.

"Where are you." she screamed into the darkness.

Now she was completely worn out, tired of life she has been living, tired of the pain that has always been seething in her heart.

She was slowly giving up, but suddenly, a voice from the unknown whisper into her mind.

"Don't give up just yet, am not done with you yet." the voice whispered into her mind.

Fears completely wrapped itself around her, making her to completely shudder.

"Who are you?" she said in a whisper, fears completely masking her voice.

But it was all quiet in the inside, she neither heard any response nor any sign that someone else is within her own body.

Her soul was trembling,
her hands felt cold,
sweat dripping down her face,
she felt her feet going cold also, she could no longer stand on those feet, and then she fell limply, not feeling her feet's anymore.

This voice, made her entire being in chaos.

This voice has left her entire being in a chaotic state.

She had no idea who owns this voice, but she was sure this voice was the one controlling her entire life, it's being the one behind her pains and also his disappearance.

Determined, to fight the unknown,
she had no idea who the owner of the voice is.

How I wish she knew it was the person she was tired of waiting for, the same person she had gone in search for.

© kaya N