

It was a long and treacherous fall
My vision became blurry
My thoughts became clouded
As my heart prossed my mind
For I did not want to see your spite
Though I fell victim to your sights

Played like a game
Dismantled in every way
Thrown out in pieces
When I choce not to play
Oh the way you moved me had me feeling a whole different way
For I did not want to see your games
Until I was pushed to play
It was then when I dismantled my own pieces so you can no longer play

For I have no remorse
Nor regrets
When I stumbled away
But when I was forced to stay
I broke my own puzzle trying to make it okay
Our pieces became separate
Your game became foul play
Getting others to play
In your spiteful ways
As though our love was a puzzle
To be tossed, thrown and forgotten in every way.

For I am happy it turned out this way
As I now see your foul play
I did not fall for your wicked ways
The tricks you tried to make me play
For I see past the reflection,
You fooled me in every way.
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