

I lost you
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

You were my everything,
and I thought I was yours,
but I meant nothing,
another one for the records.

I looked up to you,
I thought you were kind,
but I guess,
I was just blind.

I saw you as a god,
I worshipped you day and night,
but in the end,
my friend was right.

Your eyes were deep and blue,
just like the sea,
I saw beauty in them,
and the way they looked at me.

You made me feel special
even at my worst
but now when I look at you
it just hurts

You made me laugh and cry,
I never dreamed of saying goodbye.

But we are here now,
what's done is done,
now I just think,
it was just for fun.

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