

Child Molester
Child molester, you're a human weapon, you kill the soul of a child. You weaponized thier hearts because your evil mind specialized in sensual seduction. So innocent, they minds cant understand why this man would rub his male instrument along my side to my defilement.

Child molester, how you seek sensual gratification from one whose sensual existence hasn't come into being. Your sensual appetite is for the simple immature, What a perverted passion, to seek complete satisfaction from a minor now your actions has caused an emotional reaction

Child molester, your sexual selection is very concerning, tell me why your body is burning for a trusting and receptive prematurely intelligent three year old, your own offspring. But then you justify, I'm only human. You chose not to pass down an invaluable legacy but rather a lifetime of emotional imprisonment.

Child Molester, you'll never understand the damage you've caused. The emotional barrier you've created, our minds permeated with emotional noise, there's never complete silence. The disturbance of our emotional state cannot be undone. The emotional tension caused by lack of emotional maturity, as we're still the same age you did your first touch, for us age is just a number because we never got older.

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

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