

Oh life! Why have thou been so wicked?
I have been going through true difficulties
My life has turned into something unbearable.

I don't have any helper
The people who once smiled at me are turning a blind eye to my situation
Fingers pointing at me from different directions
These are the same fingers that welcomed me

The people i ask to help me are giving me cold shoulders
Life itself has become cruel to me
When my parents were alive, people pretended to love me
Now i am seeing their true colours
So i keep asking myself whether to liquidate myself or accept life the way it is

Oh God! Come to my aid
This life has not been so fair to me
I am not in peace with my life
My education,my dreams and aspirations are going down the drain
This is as a result of my predicament
So i sit with my arms akimbo and ask myself “Who I am”

© John Mohamed Mosere