

Echoes Of Laughter
A spirit so bright, in a shell unforeseen,
A world lived in whispers, unseen, unheard, between.
Age the frame, but a child's heart did reside,
Innocence aglow, with a soul open wide.

We went hand in hand, on paths meant to roam,
Your laughter, a melody, a language your own.
Though words unspoken, your eyes held the key,
A love overflowing, for all the world to see.

Now the silence lingers, where laughter once rang,
But the echoes of joy, in my heart still they hang.
Though tears may fall freely, like raindrops in spring,
The love that we shared, forever will cling.

A spirit so gentle, now soaring above,
Free from the constraints, in a world filled with love.
Though your absence brings sorrow, a void I can't mend,
The memory of your smile, will forever transcend.

You taught me compassion, with a heart pure and true,
A lesson etched deep, a love ever new.
Rest now, my dear one, in that celestial sphere,
Until we meet again, our love held so dear.
© @richie