

Whispers of Patience and Skyward Bonds
In solitude's embrace, I find my soul adrift,
A tapestry of feelings woven, intertwined, and swift.
Dispirited, a weary heart does sigh,
Yet a glimmer of hope sparkles in the sky.

Loneliness wraps its arms around my core,
Yet within its grasp, happiness does pour.
Conflicting emotions dance within, a delicate chore,
Uncertainty reigns, like waves upon the shore.

In this realm of indecision, I stand,
Caught between emotions, like shifting sand.
To feel or not to feel, a constant demand,
Patience whispers softly, a guiding hand.

Time, the healer of wounds unseen,
A witness to moments that intervene.
It paints the canvas of life serenely,
In its gentle passage, lies unforeseen hope.

Beside me, you stand, a distant friend,
Staring at the same sky, where clouds ascend.
Their beauty soothes, like words left unspoken,
A bond in silence, an unbreakable token.

Quiet souls, companions in the hush,
In stillness, our hearts find a tranquil rush.
And when words fail, and emotions gush,
The calm of presence, a gentle plush.

To Allah, I turn, my solace, my guide,
In prayer's embrace, I seek to confide.
Therapeutic whispers, in faith, reside,
A sanctuary within, where hearts confide.

This world tempts with its fleeting delight,
Yet patience shines, a beacon of light.
To wait on that person, through day and night,
For love untouched by worldly blight.

A journey, not short, nor long in stride,
A testament to faith, where souls coincide.
In the tapestry of emotions, we confide,
Time, patience, and love as our allies reside.
- s.s

© s. 🎧⭑