

I know Her Name
Dreams of her as I'm led to her presence
To claim her I still seem to have to do penance
As her worth is more then I am allowed
Seems I can't get through this impassable cloud
As I pass by with a smile she gives one in return
Hoping these smiles one day she'll learn
Waking up as my voice says her name
Leaving me with a delusion that she feels the same
Emotions of dreams of us leading a happy life
Leaving behind sadness and strife
As I feel her jump on the back
It'll probably be the day I have a fatal heart attack
Leaving our problems behind as we ride off together
The wind in our face, ruffling a few of her feathers
It's not the destination that I'm dreaming with the one that I want
It's the ride on the way there I'm craving on this lifelong jaunt
Why is it the Woman that I dream
Is only allowed to smile in passing, it would seem
So, if I explain to her how I feel
Would it only be in my dreams, or could it possibly be real
Someone once told me, the only way to get what you want
Is to suffer necessity and ghost reality in our whimsical jaunt
So tomorrow I'll tell her it's time for us to live
And live life with no worries like a couple of kids
Far too late you think, in this time with our Souls
Or better to simply watch life burn out on those smoldering coals...
© Dale A Martinez