

**Between Life and Death**
When I tried to end it all, in the darkest night so still,
I woke up to a twilight, with a strange and eerie thrill.
Something in me shifted, something in me changed,
Did I die or did I live? My thoughts felt so deranged.

Was it death that came to claim me, or life in dark disguise?
A soulless wraith, a hollow shell, with haunted, empty eyes.
Did my spirit break and shatter, into fragments lost and thin,
Or did it linger somewhere deep, hidden deep within?

Emotions fled and left me, my heart turned cold and stone,
No tears fell from my weary eyes, no screams to be known.
The world seemed wrapped in silence, a chaos veiled in night,
A cacophony of whispers, in the absence of the light.

Numbness was my armor, a shield against the pain,
Did I die upon that night, or did I merely feign?
No heartbeat in my chest, no feelings left to show,
Did my essence fade away, or did it simply go?

I wander through existence, a shadow of the past,
In a labyrinth of twilight, where echoes seem to last.
Maybe I died that night, or maybe I survived,
But the core of who I was, forever stripped and deprived.

In the stillness of my mind, in the quiet of my soul,
I seek the truth of that dark night, to make my spirit whole.
Am I a specter of the night, or a survivor of the dawn?
In the web of life's strange dance, where has my essence gone?

Each step I take feels weightless, each breath a hollow sigh,
The world around me blurred and faint, beneath a spectral sky.
Did my soul depart my body, did it fracture, did it break?
Or am I simply lost in dreams, too fragile to awake?

With every passing moment, in this twilight's gentle thrall,
I question if I'm living, or if I died that night at all.
For in this strange existence, where shadows intertwine,
I search for fragments of myself, in this silent, endless line.
© _areesha