

Title -"The Lotus Pond - The Oasis of My Soul."
Years ago, I pictured my life as a straight line,
A path of certainty, with no twists or decline.
But now,I see it's a winding road, a dance divine,
With unwelcome vicissitude, like ripples on a lotus pond.

In that scorching desert's heart, a pond so fair,
Like a lovely lotus, my soul found its lair,
In the muck and mire, it bloomed with grace,
With each passing year, a new bloom found its place.

A chapter unwritten, a tale to tell,
A life of wonder, a story to dwell,
No crystal ball could have predicted my fate,
For in the desert's heat, my soul found its mate.

The pond's calm surface, a reflection of my heart,
A haven of peace, a work of art,
In the desert's hot sun, my soul found its home,
And in the pond's depths, a life of its own.

The petals of my heart, they unfold,
As the seasons pass, my spirit takes hold,
In the muddy waters, I find my home,
Where life's mire and wonder, I am made whole.

In the realm of destiny, a path unwinds,
A journey through the twists of time,
Where choices made, and paths entwined,
Shape the fate that's yet to climb.

The pages of my life, a blank slate,
A canvas waiting to be created,
A journey uncharted, a path to debate,
A fate to shape, a future to be weighted.

No crystal ball or face to read my way,
No map to lead me day by day,
But the mystery of life unveiled,
A journey to be lived, a story to be told.

One year ago, did i see myself this way?
Entangled in an unwritten tale, life's path did sway,
From the precipice of uncertainty, i leapt,
Into the abyss of the unknown, my heart beats.

In reveries, I saw myself soaring high,
With wings of hope and a heart full of sigh,
But little did I know, I'd be here today,
With trials and tribulations, night and day.

The operculum foretold string of fate, some mystery unveiled,
With every step, a new path was revealed,
With ups and downs like rogue tumble on a estuary,
Deep secrets hidden, like in those depths of the red Lotus Sea.

The unpredictable twists and turns of life's tide,
Have i arrived where i thought I'd be?
Or did the currents carry me far and wide?
In the unwritten pages of my destiny.

The journey so far, is a rough winding road,
With moments of joy, and moments of toil,
The ups and downs, a dance with the unknown,
The secrets of life, like the lotus bloom.

The path ahead, still unwritten and bright,
A canvas waiting for my brush and light,
The mystery of life, a journey
so grand,
A tale of wonder, in this uncharted land.

In the year of my youth, a tale untold,
A path uncharted, my heart bold,
The pages of my life, a white blank slate,
A journey to embark, a fate
to create.

Again no crystal ball to guide
my way,
No map to lead me day by day,
But the mystery of life unveiled,
And a tale of ups & downs, secrets unsealed.

The future, a weight to be considered,
A balance to be struck,
Between the path of least resistance,
And the road that's hardest struck.

For every choice, a consequence,
A ripple in the tide,
That shapes the fate that's yet
to be,
And the story that will be told.

Like an lotus pond, my soul
did bloom,
With each passing year, a new room,
A chapter unwritten, a story
to tell,
A life of wonder, a tale to dwell.

In this murkiest depths of life's darkest sea,
A lotus bloomed, a soul set free.
With each passing year, a new room,
A chapter unwritten, a story
to tell.

The muck of life, a fertile ground,
Nourished the growth of my heart and mind,
A life of wonder, a tale to dwell,
In the beauty of the lotus, I find.

The petals of the flower, so fair and bright,
Reflected the light of love
and grace,
A symbol of hope, a beacon
of light,
Guiding me through life's darkest place.

The stem of the lotus, strong
and true,
Supported me through all I'd do,
With each passing year, a
new room,
A chapter unwritten, a story
to tell.

But the winds of change did blow so strong,
My path did twist and turn all day long,
But with each step, I did grow,
And found my way, as I did go.

The road was winding, the path was long
I stumbled and fell, but never went wrong,
For every step I took, I learned and grew,
And here I stand, a year later, anew.

In the blank pages of my adult life, I see a distant desert oasis,
A haven of serenity, a place of endless promise,
The operculum foretold a string of fate,
A mystery unveiled, a journey
to embark,

With every step, a new path
was revealed,
A winding road that twisted
and turned,
With ups and downs like rogue tumble on an estuary,
Through trials and tribulations, my heart was burned.

The desert sun beat down upon my head,
A scorching heat that left me parched and dry,
But in the shade of the oasis, I found my bed,
A refuge from the sun, a place
to lie.

The operculum, a tale of fate,
A story of the past, a guide
to my fate,
With every step, a new
chapter unfolded,
A journey of self-discovery, a path to be told.

But in the distance, a mirage appeared,
A shimmering oasis, a place of hope and cheer,
But as I drew near, it vanished like a dream,
Leaving me with questions, a mystery unveiled.

Yet still I pressed on, through the sand and heat,
For in the pages of my life, a new chapter awaited,
A story of love, of loss, of joy
and pain,
A journey of self-discovery, a path to be gained.

I asked this query, a year ago
And now, I see, my soul
does glow
For though the journey's been hard and long
I've grown, I've learned, I've become strong

So, every year, did I see myself this way?
No, I did not, but now I can say
I'm proud of who I am, and who I've become
And I'll keep moving forward, until my journey's done.

The years did pass, & the chapters did fill,
With laughter and tears,errors, joy and pain,
But through it all, my heart
did stay,
True to itself, come what may.

In this lovely lotus pond, my soul did bloom,
And with each passing year, a new room,
A chapter unwritten, a story
to tell,
A life of wonder, a tale to dwell.

The lotus flowers bloomed, their beauty so grand,
A testament to the soul's resilience and might,
For in the hottest of deserts, my heart found its land,
And in the pond's waters, a new life took flight.

So let my soul bloom, like the lotus fair,
In the muck of life, I'll find my share,
Of wonder, joy, and love so true,
In the pond of my soul, a tale anew.

And so I stand here today,
A life of stories, a tale to say,
A journey of wonder, a path unswayed,
A heart that's strong, a spirit unshaded.

© Aneemkp 😊

(I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!...)