

what do you think she will survive?
-she used to be the energetic,
she used to be the charismatic.
-she was just like a warmth in a sunlight,
cheerfull and bright.
-her confidence was higher than the sky,
she was like a bird always ready to fly.
-her expectations were just deeper like the ocean,
she was the one who always wanted to became herself a inspiration.
----------*few years later*----------
-she is laying on her bed,
thinking that she is alive or dead?
-she smiled and looked at the mirror,
her bright eyes were filled with the tears.
-"she was like sunlight,warmth and bright".
but now her soul is burning from inside.
-"her expectations were deeper like oceans,"
now her own expectations kills her emotions.
-she feels so pathetic whenever she cries,
and she became proud whenever she laughs,even though she have broken in to thousands of pieces from inside.
-everytime she console herself, everytime she motivate herself, just one further step and may be", i became closer to my destination.
but in the end what she got is just self doubt disappointment and demotivation.
-but still there is a hope that she will stand and fight, untill she snatch what she deserve,
she is not a failure she is just a warrior waiting for her turn.
-the sun will rise, and in the end she will have to survive............

(she belongs to you, you are the warrior fighting for the recognition and the self respect that you deserve)

© @smili369