

I'm like a sad melody of your favorite lyrical song.
I'm like the first and last droplet fall on your face when rain starts and stops in summer.

I'm the hate you feel while beding farewell to your desires, promises and smiles.

I'm the hope you get when you witness the sunrise, and the despairing of your wishes while the sunsets.

I'm like the favourite novel of yours whose sad ending you hate.

I'm like the beginning of your dreams and hitting hard to reality you hate about.

I'm like the most beautiful scene of your movie which wont last forever.

I'm like the flower you dont symbolise for happiness anymore whose place is always in graveyard.

I'm like the moon who you stare at night by pouring all your sadness through tears.

I'm no where the magic you feel when you are in love. im more like the nightmare, panic attack you get when your heart aches.

I'm not like your home im more like your shelter where you only burry your pain.

I'm not the person you want to be with, you only crave or come to me when you are in dark.