

Decayed Strings
Last night
He saw a bunch of letters
Looking at them,
They seemed rather archaic
Like in the movies
Charming at first sight

Gripped by delight
Then taken down by in-depth sadness
Enchanted by its beauty
Before realizing
There was no one

In the past
Setting eyes on similar pieces
Drew his mind but to one person
Sending signals to his hands
To then take an action

Now, extinct are those signals
Sadly he waits and hopes
For a turn of events
An altered present
Woe is he

Not another
He could give that which attracted him
In the event there was
There's no imagining what he didn't desire
Limiting himself to his misery
As if in love with pain

Remaining satisfied?
Your heart,
Beating alone for longevity
Staying alone?
Your heart,
Aching for the past
Moving along?
Your heart,
Filling up its void

© thekhan
Day 007/100