

Life's colors fading away,
As my heart in two you slay.
You tell me,
You don't love me.
Saying we should part ways,
And live on our days.

Now here all by myself,
I lie to myself...
I'm going to be alright,
My future still bright.
Then why still feel this way?
All my days so dark grey.

No more smile on my face,
My dreams I no longer chase.
All I do is cry,
And ask myself why.
Why did you leave me?
But kept my hearts key?

Why keep coming back to me?
When from me you wanted to flee?
Saying sweet little things,
And buying us rings.
Lying you love me,
And will never leave me.

Until it gets rough,
Then you had enough.
Leaving me again,
Coming back, when?
When we finally strive,
You suck away my life.

For forgiveness you ask,
Whilst your toxicity you mask.
For you hid it well,
And for it I fell.
But that no more,
For in life I soar.

Saying no to you so hard,
Like cutting my heart with a shard.
But got to do this for myself,
For yes you only love yourself.
There is only you in your heart,
How could I not see this from the start?

Either way with you I'm done,
You from my life away I shun.
Hoping for brighter days;
I already see sun rays.
Now life's colors are all back,
And a good laughter I don't lack.

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