

Trying to find the words ..
What can I say.
Head down knowing that my family wants me played.
Dead and decayed.
Feeling betrayed.
Anybody wanna trade?
I should open up a free play day
version of Lon and McQuaid.
An adults music getaway.
Just thinking out loud geeze.
Leave me alone please.
You all honestly make my stomach queeze.
All I needed was antibiotics.
I thought family was supposed to help or is that too much logic.
Or too much of a project.
I don't understand why you can't give me what's mine when you've got a buldging pocket.
You all see
I'm in dire need.
Watch me pleed.
My family. Thought we stemmed from one seed.
Instead I got robbed and left for dead because of greed.
Yall couldn't even replace what you took. Super Teed
Money is the root of all evil so take creed.
My soul cries and my heart bleeds.
from the ones that could have brightened my tomorrow
I can't even find the right angle to climb out my whole.
Yall got me so fucked up I'm wearing hats out of tin foil.
Yall keep barrying me under soil.
Buy I'll rise like a rose with incredible turmoil.
And wrap around life like a mosquito coil.
You could have help with fertilizer.
Who's the wiser?
I don't sell, I'm a buyer.
Like I said before, I'm a doer not a trier.
Yall are at the controls acting like foolish liers..
Please give me what's mine. I'm down to the wire.
I have one single proper attire.


© venkatjamespersaud