

keep on keeping on
Keep on dreaming, beautiful
Because your dreams aren't stopping
Keep on hoping, strong one
Because you will make everything happen
Keep your head up, lovely
Because you're not going to fall apart
Keep your eyes open, sweetheart
Because I know you need to see this
Keep your head up high, darling
Because you're stronger than you believe
Keep your feet on the ground, dear
Because you will make amazing things happen
Keep your heart wide open, honey
Because it's worth it to love, especially yourself
Keep your dreams alive, sweet woman
Because they will come true someday
Keep your terrors at bay, dreamer
Because you will get them sometimes
Keep your past in the past, pretty woman
Because the present and future is what matters
Keep your eyes on your future, loving human
Because that's where the magic will happen
Keep yourself in the present, hopeful dreamer
Because I know right now will help the future
Keep your mind wandering, thoughtful one
Because I know that's how the best things happen
Keep being YOU, unique thinker
Because you're one of a kind
Keep loving, forever loved
Because it is worth it all in the end

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