

My Help
I deleted all dating apps and online media for my Brian's kingdom,
it's the only thing I that keeps me from freedom,
All I had was innocence from being blinded,
Now I regret the wasted time and opportunities for monogomy I wasted,
I can only do one or the other it seems,
and now my past makes that path more attractive to me,
a career I can have without emotions to distract how I see,
valuing the friends who were the only light Ive seen,
valuing the self heartbreak that made me see,
How impossible both in my life will always be,
I will not waste more time letting love seeking hold me back from what would be more fulfilling,
This path available is worth what I wasn't in every monogamous sense,
Happiness long lasting with self that only love has prevented in my current tense.
© Carly S. Rhymes