

This Round Is On Me
Why do folks think it's okay to push alcohol?
Red wine— white rum— whiskey— beer— you know— the whole haul
Overall folks think it's fine— they think it's okay
Just down a couple of drinks is what they all say

You would have far more fun if you drank up some booze
I have this drink and that drink— which one do you choose?
Downing a drinky poo or two will not hurt you
To me, this point of view seems so very askew

Last I checked, alcohol's a depressant— a drug
It wraps you up really tight in a warm bear hug
You know what other drugs like to wrap you up, tight?
If you responded "All of them!" then you'd be right

Let's turn over the table— reverse the old roles
Let us start right here— you should smoke a few fat bowls
You should snort a few bright white lines— what would it hurt?
Why would you not want to feel overly alert?

Just jab a couple syringes into your arm
It's just a couple— a few— I don't see the harm
Do you know how awfully nitwitted you would sound
If you announced "The meths on me— I got this round!"

Now I'm not telling you that you should never drink
I'm simply suggesting you stop and have a think

#addictionrecovery #wordplay #rhyme #drinking
© danie_af