

Clowny, The Clowny Song
It had to be at least months that i could remember? I have been in other thoughts. I was suddenly alerted of being near Clowny. The train ride was slowing down to a stop. After traveling through tunnels and over high bridges. There would be a new Circus soon. This is a new town full of streets and countryside. There were multiple places to explore. Clowny was sitting straight and looking ahead as the train stopped. There was a mime running back and forth outside the train. As we went out the sliding train door the mime looked at Clowny and began generating a mime song. The mime was posing all different acts and motions of the song. Everyone around was looking at the mime and intensively watching. Clowny began to notice the mime. Suddenly Clowny began to catch on what the mime was doing. Now Clowny began to sing. Everyone watched in amazement what Clowny was doing.
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