

Nature's Symmetry

Upon the canvas of the starry night,
I beheld your presence, like a guiding light.
A celestial intermixture, a cosmic show,
But fate had other plans, an unexpected blow.

As clouds gathered, obscuring the starry sky,
Thunderous roars broke the celestial tie.
Lightning bolts danced, painting the darkness bright,
A symmetry of nature, a fearsome sight.

The heavens wept with torrents from above,
A cosmic dance, both beautiful and tough.
From starlit wonder to a stormy fray,
The universe's whims, a mysterious display.

Oh, enigmatic realm, beyond our grasp,
Your secrets hide, your presence fills the vast.
From gentle twinkling to thunder's roar,
You captivate with every cosmic lore.

As the storm subsided, and stars reappeared,
I marveled at the mystery you hold so clear.
For in your grandness, wisdom profound,
The universe weaves tales that never end.

© Lai Montes