

Hurtling Towards The Abyss
I changed and the World too, I'm glad
I see it every day and try not to be mad
some are good ways and others are bad
I guess it makes me grateful for all I had,
The chance to have a happy childhood
and to not grow up so quick was good
now I see children exploited, bad blood
attitudes, and pressure like a tidal flood,
I learnt what you can't afford don't buy
we didn't have much but always got by
now I see debts or avarice in peoples' eye
aggressive, possessive, too violent... I sigh,
I see a digital age that can open up doors
access to info and bridging gaps, outpours
of sharing and caring, there's hatred galore
trolls and fake news, scammers after yours,
Weather gone mad, we used to have Seasons
Nature is changing for man-made reasons
and we are to blame, consumerism by tons
humanity floundering, mass murders, guns,
I'm true to myself, I adapt and try to behave
feel more alone than ever, be strong, be brave
keep trying, do right, still knowledge I crave
but I admit I'm disheartened, silently I wave,
Goodbye to manners? courtesy? others first?
stampede to the finish, unquenchable thirst
love thy neighbour? show respect? or worst
steal, maim and kill, are we somehow cursed?
I don't envy the direction our ship's steered in
is it too late to turn? do we always have to win?
there's hope in some respects, can't we begin
to not be like sheep? in my lifetime, I've seen.

© .Garry Saunders