

𝐀 𝐡ouse or 𝐀 𝐡ome
If the cell is the basic unit of life,
F̠a̠m̠i̠l̠y̠ is the basic unit of society.

We are reflections of our homes;
Our mannerisms, speech, and goals in life
can be traced back to the space of our

A home can be a house,
but a house is not always a home.

Some people were raised in a home,
others were raised in a house.

The difference between the two groups
is stark clear when they're introduced into
the society.

A child can be blessed with healthy,
wealthy parents, and receive not a drop of
love and attention from either. He's stuck
in a house.

On the other hand,

The child who recently lost his parents
and found himself in an orphanage could
be living his best life, loved by everyone
there. He found a home.

What is a home, if you have no loved ones

A person can change houses like they change clothes,
but your home will always be with you and for you,
no matter where you go.

Our society needs more homes and less houses,
and we all can contribute to making it happen because,

The basic unit of family is love.

"A house or A home"
A poem and illustration
© Saiph