

I wake up every morning.
Happy that today is another day given to me,
To speak to you.
Sit on my bed and speak to you for constant hours and hours,
Just speaking to you.

Today I wake up
Wondering what I will do today
You got me so distracted from what I was doing before you just popped up into my life, again.
I've become addicted to speaking to you
I wish we could just go back to doing that again.
Could we?

I miss those times where I could just open up to you.
I tell you things that I don't just normally dish out to others,
because when i speak to you I don't care about anything or anyone, I just care about now, with you.
I've never felt something drive me to do so much good for myself then when I speak to you,
You are the reason why my smile never fades away, but I don't know if I am even able to bring one to your face.
I try to that, I don't know if it works, does it?

I shouldn't say I miss, cause to be honest you're always on my mind, endlessly just strolling there.

But today i wake up, again
And it breaks my heart,
Cause I can't bare the thought of not spending all my time endlessly speaking to you.
Because that was my favorite thing to do,
You are the only good about my day.

© JansenB