

'That Majical feeling'
Magical moments are real, Like the moments where you feel like everything neatly fits itself together, For example: Try to close your eyes the moment before dawn, And just, feel the cool breeze and the wetness of the morning dew touching your cheeks.
That feeling of seeing the sun rising, the golden yellow rays cast across the horizon,
Sometimes it might be the splashing of water against your feet, the receding hooting of the owls,
How estatic it feels, the chills that run down my your spine,
That great feeling of harmony and serenity that comes with majical moments,
Like that day by that lake, that lake that we grew knowing.
The nostalgic feeling it gives me, the stories of culture that come with a mention of that lake,
That lake sits by the rocky side of a hill, where flowers gloom and bloom,
That lake that grass grows all round, Where the splash of water against the rocks is music,
How I miss those majical moments we had as kids...
(@Da Vinci 💕🌷, written with much love.)

© Davinci is an award winning Novel writer from Kenya.