

New Pair
Where are my shoes?
Lately I've been feeling the urge
The urge to wear a new pair of shoes
Now I'm not talking about footwear
I'm talking about taking a new path
Walk a new lane
Not on the sidewalks
I feel the urge of walking in the road
The main road
The road I'm on right now
Is not safe as it used to be
I lose part of me every time I take a step
Part of me wants to quit-to stop walking
But I've come so far, and I've lost so much
So much that my feet are sore
My soul is weary
My complexion has darkened
I've forgotten why I took this path
Was it to forget?
What am I looking for?
What am I running from?
Am I running from myself?
Am I afraid of what I've become?
I'm so tired
I can't bear it no more
It hurts so much
I should probably stop
I should figure out why I'm here
I should get myself
A new pair of shoes
These ones don't fit anymore.
By: Elizabeth Ndara