

Citadel (AAC)
Ring the belfry
A tower that withstands the tests of time
The weather, the wars
It still stands strong
A foundation of stone
Citadel, intricately weaved together
By human hands
Generation upon generation have met
Within these walls
Sacred words spoken in your sanctuary
Some with deaf uncaring ears
Never hear
The house is strong
If it remains on the foundation
But prophecy says many will fall away
Citadel, the people inside entertain these ideas within the walls
Corruption begins with a seed
Watch it spread like wildfire
Fallen human beings
Appointed by the sheep
To lead the flock
What they don’t see
Is the cliff edge
And the canyon beneath
Death awaits
Becoming decrepit
The state of the building reflecting
The state of hearts being taught
A false gospel, a poison pill
The cycle never stops
Some, righteous
Others, wolves
The flock has seen many changes
Generation after generation
Right now
A wolf speaks
Sheep listen
And are torn apart
By lack of ambition
To read and study for themselves
Apathetic American Christianity
Restoration may come
But it will take a revolution
A revival of the true gospel
Your walls tell countless stories
A history of sadness, a beautiful building
Now the symbol of destruction
The church is far from what they claim
Oh Father guide us back
Through the flames
This building set apart
Corrupted and torn apart
Uprooted from the truth
Used for selfish gain
One day redemption will come again
© MattDyver