

Walking through life's path!! 👣
Endless freeways of misdirected means,
To walk along the lonely street of dreams,
To live in a world where nothing is as it seems,
And take pursuit of tiny pleasure to extremes.

Here I am
Walking through life's path, guided by hope, overcoming every wrath

Putting forward the baby steps of struggles, on the heated ground.
No assurance of getting hold
With or without, no one around.
Hoping in the midst of shadows,
A light to be found,
And whispers of hope in the heart resound.

"It's a journey of uncertainty sublime."
But you gotta believe in yourself
'What' you are?, don't let others define.
Have faith till these shadows fade and dreams align.

Do not despair even in the darkest night,
For every journey finds its light,

To walk alone is not a reason to mourn,
There blooms courage, where fears are torn.

So stride with a purpose, steady and true,
Embrace the path that's just meant for you,
In lonely hearts, let the dreams persue,
And in minds, strengths renew.

Mountains may rise, rivers may flow,
But onward, with a steady glow,
Let the storms rage and winds blow,
It'll just help your inner fire to grow.

For every step and every mile,
Greet the obstacles with a smile,
Though the road be rough and the climb be high,
Remember, the stars will greet you in the sky.


Through trials faced and tears unseen, The road is long, and the world serene,

Move on with positive attitude and compassion,
where challenges provoke a laugh!!

Here I am
Walking through life's path, where courage clears the aftermath.

© adi_k