

In Umbra's Womb
We are incubating in the shadow of the Tree of Life ...

We are here for a while. To remember through our hunger, thirst & illness. Rembember who we really are....

We are children of the Sun! We have come to Earth to learn to love, to respect and have compassion for all that lives. To eventually acknowledge the great Tree!

We have been in denial so long! Denial of the unity that binds us all. We have forgotten, so for a while we will be denied and have to sit on the sand in the darkness. Our backs will face the light and we will only see the darkness before us. We will grovel in the deep shade hungry & thirsty. Diseased. Eating dirt that doesn't digest well.

We learn that we cannot eat the ground! The precious land gives to us only if we respect it. Respect is a gift we have to still receive.

We will eventually wake up, stand up & look up into those mighty branches above us and see the rays pouring through! This we have to do....

And then we will feel. Feel humbled. We will realise we can move into the Sun by moving - turning around, just coming around! Changing our stance. Waking up from the coma of our unconsciousness....

This surely is our destiny!

Earthday morning: 22nd April.
(26th Day of Lockdown. Almost 26 years of the New South Africa)
26 is a balancing number symbolising a real relationship....
© Indiana vdw