

The Infinite and The Finite
I saw the enticing waves of the Ocean
Made golden by the rays of the Sun
It was water and waves all around
The blue Sky I saw and a new bliss I found!
There are infinite steps between Him and me
Steps I can never feel nor see
Every good thought and kind deed
Earns me His divine grace indeed
The infinite steps reduce to a few zillions
The zillions reduce to a few trillions
Trillions become billions and millions
With every kind thought that makes me realize
That you and I are just parts of the same slice
That we are all one and the same
Just for identification we have a different name
And lo! how the million steps would reduce
Once in my mind, that oneness He does induce
The steps will then be limited in number
And the finite will merge with the infinite for a long slumber....