

You held me underwater and asked me why
I couldn't catch my breath, couldn't even sigh
As the tendrils of water wrapped around my frame
I struggled to answer, my voice barely came
Your grip on my being was tight and unyielding
As I fought against the force that was suffocating
But you were relentless, pulling me deeper
With every gasp for air, I felt weaker
And still, you questioned, with a sinister tone
Why couldn't I breathe, as if I should have known
But how could I, when you were the one
Holding me captive, until my life was done
I tried to speak, to tell you the truth
But my words were lost in the depths, uncouth
You didn't want to hear, didn't want to see
That you were the reason I couldn't be free
You held me underwater, drowning my voice
And I wondered if you even had a choice
To let me go, to release your grip
But it seemed you were determined to watch me slip
Into the darkness, where I could no longer fight
Where I couldn't even see the last bit of light
And with my final breath, I whispered a plea
For you to let me go and finally be free
But you were deaf to my desperate cry
You held me under, as I said goodbye
And in that moment, with my life slipping away
I realized, you were the reason why I couldn't stay
So now I'm just a memory, a victim of your wrath
But know that I won't be the last in your path
One day, you'll ask another why they can't breathe
And they'll know, it's because you held them underwater, unable to leave.
© cynfully