

I said I don't love you anymore but
You used to be my happy pill
my safe place in this world full of darkness
Why did you change?
It hurts more than you think
I'm breathing but I'm not alive
You said you still love me the same
but the way you ignore me now
says everything about your love for me
I smile everyday like a fool
even after knowing that I've died
since you left me all alone
I never asked for anything except love
yet all you gave me is pain and scars
that will never recover
no matter how much I try to be happy
I lost myself in loving you
I said to you that I don't love you anymore
but my soul knows the truth
Making someone believe in true love
and then leaving them broken
is a crime that cannot be forgiven
I loved you will all my heart
and you gave me reasons to hate myself
I said to you that I don't love you anymore
but my heart knows the truth
Why forgetting you is so hard
I'm dying everyday my love
can't you save me like you used to?

Pic from : Pinterest
#writco #love #hurt #thoughts

© rõõh