


In twilight's hush, echoes softly play,
A symphony of moments, fading away.
Year's canvas painted with dreams and tears,
Whispers of laughter, silenced fears.

January's frost, a crisp embrace,
New beginnings written on time's grace.
February's dance, hearts entwined,
Love's melody, forever bind.

March winds whisper tales untold,
Blossoms unfold, stories of gold.
April showers cleanse the soul,
Hope reborn, making spirits whole.

May's bloom, a vibrant hue,
Nature's palette, dreams pursue.
June's warmth, sunlit desire,
Ignites the soul, a passion's fire.

July's fireworks light the sky,
Independence celebrated, spirits fly.
August's sunsets, a tranquil glow,
Memories etched in the afterglow.

September's breeze, a gentle sigh,
Autumn leaves, a slow goodbye.
October's mystery, shadows play,
Harvest moons pave the way.

November's gratitude, hearts align,
Thankful whispers, intertwine.
December's snow, a blanket pure,
Year-end echoes, memories endure.

As the calendar turns, a cycle complete,
Embrace the echoes, bittersweet.
In the tapestry of time, stories we weave,
Year's end echoes, in our hearts, believe.

© ✍️ Alisha1