

Love is ugly inside and out.
A fresh fucking relationship not 2 months gone. The privilege it must be to have pick of the lot.

Compared to me you are a queen. I get to watch your life unfold crying beside you my nose dripping snot.

The pretty privilege is real and this seals the God damn deal.

Hop from one and to another. Flopping about like a seal.

But I watch you closer than an animal in an enclosure. You may be in lust but not love.

Your life full of pursuit and not much chase. Surely one day it breaks you. If not maybe I'll give you a shove.

I'm sick of your pitty and sick of your story. You bore me so deeply with your undamaged soul.

Walk in my shoes. Take shelter as those you love vomit like your tears forming rain. Live with emptiness and this unfillable hole.

There is not someone for everyone. And you can't tell me otherwise.

It's nothing but a trap to keep my ugly soul buying the next disguise.

Go enjoy your love. Leave me behind. I'm happy living in pity.

The sooner you go the sooner life gets better in my lonely little city.

© Swiftonic Poetry