

the beach.
Pretty pastel palaces in perfectly pristine rows
A blur of lavender and peach, blue and yellow
A living mosaic of my wildest dreams
We stumbled upon in this coastal Carolina town, on the edge of the mighty Atlantic Sea

The mist of cool salt-water touches my sun-burnt skin
Curling long tendrils of my dark hair as it twists erratically in the wind
I bury my writhing toes in the warm sand that stretches out before me
Though I don't know which view is most serene

The unsteady waves crashing against this empty beach
As the sun rises in the sky above the sea
Or the smile on his face when he proudly holds up another colorful stone
That smile that reminds me I am safe; that he is my home

He's leaving footprints in his place as he trudges across the sand in my direction
That remind me of the mark he made on all of my imperfections
He is the unholy taste of temptation that makes my knees weak at the seams
A blue-eyed saint sent to save me

I half-heartedly wonder if he is merely a mirage sent to distract me
A montage of every published love story
Where the damsel is rescued by the prince
Or a figment of a sensational imagination
Like these bumps of flesh rising against my sun-burnt skin

Our eyes lock; our fingers reach out to meet
The main protagonist's in a film that has been manipulated to play at half-speed
The most genuine smile teases across his tantalizingly-soft lips
As unspoken promises flow between us, like electricity between conjoined fingertips
© krystlereisler