

The Sleepless Mind
My mind won't be quiet tonight
I lie there, longing for sleep
Thud thud thud thud
The seconds pound by
Not again, please not tonight
The mania doesn't care
During the day it fuels me
It gives me creativity
Enough Lord, take it from me
But no answer comes
Twenty-two hours I've been awake
Fifteen more until bedtime tonight
Why can't I sleep tonight?
I know why: mania
It's a foul weather friend tonight
The last thing it is, is fair
Why me? What have I done?
Is this the price I pay for my writing?
For sale: one creative mind
The asking price? Peace.
Peace of mind, of body, of spirit
But God doesn't bargain, doesn't haggle
Good night? No, bad night
Good night is for those who sleep
Not for me, not tonight
It must be fun to be manic
Try walking a mile in my slippers
Better yet, don't
One crushed soul is plenty in this world
Alright, let it be me then Lord
If there must be bipolar people in the world
But must there be? Why?
But no answer comes.

© Mike Gurak
photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash