

Your Mind
Program your mind
Or you'll be left behind among the sheep
While possibilities travel endlessly through infinity
Because when life becomes a bitter pill to swallow
To the slaughter house the sheep will willingly follow
Then strives in vain to conquer or divide
Changing gears that grind the pictures in their minds
So before you think yourself alone left to perish in the cold
Or choose to worry, then nothing will ever change
In this perpetual round of strange
But beautiful thoughts in your mind, also create a beautiful life and make you kind
So don't fall among the sheep, if one leaps over the ditch all the rest will follow
And disappeared into a deep misty hollow
But if you program your mind you'll fund it has magnetic power
To attract everything into your life, whatever you might desire
And if there's a lack in your life, it's because there's also a lack in your thoughts
Remember a healthy fruit is healthy until it rots
So each turn that you take and each coin that you toss
Never breathe a word about your loss
Or you'll let your mind talk you out of your dreams
Your mind could then become your greatest obstacle to succeed
When you want to land high on the hill of success
You'll need to break those chains with all you possess
With your mind on the right track, choosing your companions from the best
As you let fate do the rest
Then instead of following the sheep to the slaughter house, heading for disaster
You could end up leading them into safe and quiet pasture!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo