

In the face of trials, when hope seems frail,
And darkness veils the path you hail,
Remember this, in moments grim,
The strength within, lies deep within.

When storms rage fierce and winds howl loud,
And doubts within, like thunderclouds,
Hold fast your faith, let courage rise,
For in persistence, victory lies.

Though obstacles loom, daunting and vast,
And shadows linger from the past,
Press onward still, with steadfast will,
For every struggle, a chance to fulfill.

With every stumble, rise anew,
For failure's grasp holds lessons true.
With each setback, a seed of growth,
In perseverance, find your oath.

For in the heart of every dreamer's quest,
Lies the unwavering will to do one's best.
So heed this call, with spirit high,
For in never giving up, you touch the sky.
© Testimony