

Not the one to complain
I wasn't the one to complain,
nitpicking your cruel ways;

Someone had to speak but,
keep your filthy mouth shut,
you felt like a snake,
to bite everyone in her wake;

They caught the steam of your vibe,
not favourable to jump on the ride;

So we decided to lie,
keep you in dark,
exterminating your drive,
thinking not too hard,
how you would feel,
half of it's already not real,
you wouldn't even see us gone,
from your hold or filthy clan;

Yet, you dare to shout and tweet,
about us being fake and wicked;

Turn that around and see yourself,
never finding a good tone or word to compliment,
those who come in your life,
those who want to stay,
those who ignore your cries,
keeping the rapport that way;

Only you see the wrong in others,
forgetting or ignoring your curse;

Because if you tasted your blood,
you'd know why they leave you at the curb;

Because if you knew your vibe,
you'd be running to the father,
for a deep cleanse overnight.


© Nilakshi Garg