

No Appetite
Is there any difference
which is sensible to you
while stepping into this New Year??
Do you think that God will listen to our prayers and would bestow us the freedom to move out freely without fearing about this hazardous virus?

No matter what people post about this New year...
I know... everything would be the same.
the sorrow won't fade away so easily...
and the wounds won't heal with a mystery.

While stepping into a New Year...
I could feel no changes.
I've lost my appetite to expect something pleasant.
This New Beginning! how will it be?..

It seems, that we've grown old lately...
for teenagers nowadays, it's hard to study.
online classes have messed up our brains.
we've grown lazy, sleeping all day!
Will this all be the same?

What more can I expect from New Beginnings.
people talk big, write up things...
that everything will recover in 2021
but I suggest you... not to have high expectations.
your happiness will dissolve if this new mutation of the virus takes overall.

This cold breeze that provides moisture to my skin...
says it all!
that's nothing is gonna change unless we do something about our current circumstances.
Stay at home! let's complain more!

© V.Pacheco💜