

Pen In Hands

"With pen in hand, I write your name,
A love so strong, it echoes through the flames.
In every line, a piece of my heart,
A work of art, our love will never depart.

In ink and paper, our story unfolds,
A tale of passion, young and old.
With every word, a memory made,
Our love forever, in these lines displayed.

The pen glides smooth, a gentle caress,
As I pour out my soul, in love's tenderness.
The words flow free, a river's stream,
Carrying dreams, and hopes, and heart's esteem.

With each stroke, a promise is made,
To love and cherish, through joy and shade.
Through laughter and tears, through all of life,
Together forever, as husband and wife.

In this dance of words, our love will sway,
A waltz of devotion, every single day.
With pen in hand, I'll write our tale,
A love story, that will never fail.

So let these lines, be a testament true,
To the love we share, me and you.
For in the ink, our hearts will beat,
Forever entwined, in love's sweet treat."
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