

The woman I want,,,
The woman in my dreams,
is the woman I want,
she's a chameleon in camouflage,
yet she sparks me up,
the woman in my dream.

what's her whereabouts,
I know not her ethnicity,
I know not her culture,
not even by her name,
what's her whereabouts?

The woman in want,
I thought she was black yet she's Asian,
couldn't be Asian but coloured ,
not even coloured but looks white,
the woman I want.

Her beauty is a compliment,
black and bootylicious,
white and outstanding,
Asian and sexy.
compliment to her beauty .

Confusing and amazing,
annoying when she loves,
stressing when she hates,
jovial when in attended to,
amazing but Confusing.

she's just but in dreams
dressed in a purple gown
seeking harmony and love,
tenderness embrace
but she's just in my dreams
© Bradley