

One day I say my friends
we will welcome all people in with open arms.
One day will will all join hands as equals as we all should do.
One day war will not ever be the answer to anything.
One day we can all be friends.
One day I say if we learn to accept people for their differences and love with open hearts. We can all be at that equilty of equal rights and equal opportunities for all. One day culture and race will not matter to anyone.
One day the whole world 🌎 will change for the better, for everyone own right state of mind with even hearts and open arms. We are all people as that we are all humans nothing should matter when it comes to sharing with caring for the future of beings of a better generation than ours. One day can be today. One day fighting and violence and evil will be no more as the darkness will rise up and be lifted with the good of God's grace. If we believe it we can achieve it nothing will be ever impossible if we all believe that one day is the way to truly be.
